Thursday, January 15, 2009

Seriously Random

A blog I follow did a review today on a book called A Broken Vessel by Kate Ross.  Her review made it sound awesome, but I wanted a few other opinions so I went out to B&N and read the reader reviews.

All the reviews were positive, so I started checking out the author’s other books and the reviews they received.  Below is the synopsis page of the fourth and final book with one reader review.

Look at the date!  Who in their right mind writes a nice fluffy reader review on that day???  Maybe they posted the review at 7am before turning on the TV?



Bobby the O! said...

That's just frightening.

Jeanette said...

I had my first drug test for bus driving at the same moment the planes hit the building.

Maybe she wrote the review prior and posted it on the actual day BEFORE the planes hit. We can only hope.