Friday, August 15, 2008

Wild Bill Pickup

One of the attractions of Deadwood are the re-enactments they do of Wild Bill Hickok's murder and the trial of Jack McCall, the man who shot him. There are loads of people dressed in period clothing walking up and down the street, ready with a smile to have their picture taken with you.

Kathie and I had been walking up and down the main street of Deadwood and had stopped to eat some ice cream. We were sitting on a bench outside the shop when along came one of the men dressed in costume.

He walked up to us and said hello. I asked if he was Jack McCall and he smiled and said, "No ma'am. I'm Wild Bill Hickok." He told us about the re-enactments, what time they started and where they would be. According to Kathie, he was flirting with me. You can read her account of the conversation here. She gave me a hard time about it the rest of the day! :)

If you could see beyond his really bad, long hair wig and period clothing, he was a pretty good looking guy. I mean hey, he said I was purdy and called me love. What more could a girl want?!? :)

For some strange reason, I didn't have my camera with me when all this happened. So, the picture above is from a different day.

This one's for you, Stacey. He's no Horatio, but...

This is my 100th post!

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Yeah 100!!! You got there alot faster than I did.